Sunday, March 30, 2008


a) I actually spent 17 years in school (and still can't count)
b) promise to write less, and use the return key more (what an eye sore! I won't get published like this!)

The devil strikes again

Oh look! Here I am again- though this time I'm not in the library!

but the good news: one month from tomorrow and no more homework. weird.
there's something really strange about going to school straight for 16 years and then all of a sudden stopping. I'm a bit apprehensive, though more excited I think.
I think I'm most excited to read for fun (and especially to hit up my friends, but especially a certain cousin, for book recommendations). Though- I am a bit afraid that I am a bit too ADD to read entire books. My life so far has been divided into small time blocks with many different classes and tons of different things to focus on at once (and hardly ever are we expected to read a whole book for class, without reading other things at the same time) It will be quite a challenge.
Speaking of books- I had the most lovely afternoon at my FAVORITE book store (the co-op) in H-square. It is hands down the most comforting place in Boston outside of my house. I especially like the tables they set up on different themes. Though, I always get super-ovewhelmed, because I am reminded of how many books I have never read and how much I want to read. And, there are SO many books there. Seriously, its four floors, and they have EVERYTHING. But, then yesterday, I was suprised to learn that there was only TWO travel books about Georgia (the country) one was really bad, and one was Lonely Planet from 4 years ago. Perhaps part of my mission during my trip should be to update it! But, still it made me really excited at the a) possibility that I will be spending the next year in a place that is SO off the map, but sounds SO charming, and b) that I found the Achiles heel of the Co-Op!

cool beans.
Oh! and I read a great article this AM from today's NY Times about bloggers becoming published authors. (hint hint: I know there's a book publisher out there who will realize that all my rantings and ravings are a sign of my magic ability to write a fabulous book) And, as my one comment suggests, I'm supposed to post a link to this mentioned article so others can read: so enjoy it!

back to work. thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The ultimate in procrastination

So. I never thought I would EVER do a blog, but given that its almost 11pm on a Tuesday, and I have an insurmountable amount of work to do before I graduate college, AND, I already read all the newspapers and Huffington Post and checked my email 3 times, and facebook once, it seemed like this was a good idea.

I hope writing in this will be as much fun as deciding upon the name.
For those of you who don't understand the reference, then you probably shouldn't be reading this.
think about it.

So, I'm pretty obsessed with Obama right now. I'm loving the new Obama Girl video. it's so brilliant. I really hope Clinton gets out soon. then maybe I'll have less distraction (right.)
sha la la....

my housemates and I have taken up a new little dance:
"I'm the happiest I've ever been lalalalalalalaalala" (with hand motions).
just thought I should share.

okay, enough for now. i'm going to go home, and pretend to do homework there.