Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Omniovore's Dilemma

Sorry for the inconsistent posts! Keeping this thing current is harder than I thought it would be!

I'm currently reading/listening to the Omnivore's Dilemma on my ipod. First, I highly recommend the book. It will definitely change your perspective on eating, health, government policy, economics, and most especially CORN! I'm in the corn section right now, and it's disgusting to learn how it's in EVERYTHING we eat. yuckkkkkk.

Listening to books on ipod is really interesting because you can bring your book with you wherever you go- and people don't even know when you're reading-- so if you make this concentrated face, people just think you're weird (or at least I was getting some weird looks as I walked to Davis, looking heavily concentrated on understanding the economic implications of the great depression on corn production).

I think this is the most amusing part. It was also super entertaining to explain to my housemate Anna that I was reading while I ate my cereal for breakfast, when it appeared to her that I was just listening to my ipod. Now, the question is, does it count as reading if you're listening? Because we don't say that we're reading when we listen to a song, which is really just a poem (lyrics) to music. If the book was read to music would that make it listening to a song instead of reading a book on my ipod... whoah, technology is crazy.

I also had the weird opportunity of listening to the section about the supermarket WHILE I WAS IN THE SUPERMARKET. I can't explain the sensation of hearing, "now look around the supermarket. You enter under the bright lights and any kind of fruit and vegetable you want, even those that are tropical and out of season." It was creepy, but definitely the most interesting shopping experience I have ever had.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Comfort in Containment

I'm back in the cage. Yet this time by choice. I think I missed it too much. While the world out there is great, there is something comforting (if not creepy) about the tiny room, the centered table and the view out the window.

After more thought, I've concluded that my attraction to hula hoops is similar. When you're inside your hula-hoop you have your own space, and no one else can go within a foot radius. Then there is the constant movement, the challenge of keeping the hula hoop in mid-air. It's addicting. And comforting.

Despite the all around awesomeness of this weekend, I still think hula-hooping was the best part. It was like finding a twenty-dollar bill in my pocket. To rediscover a childhood game and find that it makes me even happier than it did when I was a child is pretty sweet.

Hula-hoops are like swimming in the ocean, the constant motion....(get where I'm going?)

For those of you who are interested, the "hula" in "hula-hoop" came after someone realized that the hula dancing was similar to the hooping that people have been doing with circles of leaves around their waists for centuries.

I have also learned through my research that this year is the 50th anniversary of the launch of the modern "hoolah/hula hoop" and that there are international competitions! The record for non-stop hoolah hooping is 90 hours between April 2 and April 6! (today!-weird) in 1987.

My record is somewhere at about 15 minutes.
I am currently contemplating a hoolah hoopin for social change type activity in the lobby of the hallway where I will hold a sign advocating for some event while continuously hoolah hooping.
Hmmm... the possibilties abound.

whoah. apparently someone ran a 7 minute 48 second mile while hoolah hooping.

that's pretty impressive.

and just to be cool:
i'm linking a video of a ridiculous looking man hooping to Elvis.

and, in case you were wondering, Yes, I am reading about 1990s American foreign policy of containment towards Iran and Iraq.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

the monkey in the cage (and not in a dirty way!)

A little known secret about me: my Popi (grandfather) used to (well, still does) call me "Monkey and a half" or "monkey face" Now, I'm not sure where the half came from, other than grandparents think their grandchildren are the best of the best, and a monkey and a half is better than a monkey....

but i digress. So, I have found myself actually being a monkey lately. First, I started eating a banana every day (my mom says they're healthy!! and they only cost 20 cents at TJS!)
Second, I found myself frequently locked up in cages against my will. Otherwise known as the library, I feel my animal instincts roar up within me when forced to stare at a book or computer screen for more than twenty minutes (sometimes less). Most recently, I have discovered the "group study room" which is an excuse to hang out with your friends while "working" (notice the strategic use of quotations).

Now, this past Sunday, while in the midst of writing a riveting twenty-five page analysis of Iranian-Egyptian relations, I found myself randomly deciding that a) I needed to eat my banana, and b) it was important to share with my busy friends that I was a monkey c) act out as a monkey (including banging on the glass and making monkey faces at my peers outside of the study room). I think this went on for quite a bit, but I have since then blocked out any other ridiculous activities that may have gone on.

And, yes, on this rainy Tuesday evening, I again find myself wishing I was anywhere but this cage (I'm somehow in another study room! you would think I would learn!) and craving a banana. I even sent this song to my housemates, and sang a loud to it in my cage, until I was sedated.

What does this mean?

I'm just happy I don't look like this